Use the menu on the left and the links below to view interesting articles and technical information concerning titanium. There is also a Glossary to assist in understanding this site as well as titanium.
The Great Titanium Trickle Down?
Why are marine engineers turning to titanium for corrosion resistance?
Titanium for Secondary Marine Structures
Titanium Facts
Titanium - The Ultimate Choice
Pitting and Crevice Corrosion
Stainless Steel Crevice Corrosion
Know Your Sailboat
World Titanium production and consumption:
USGS 2012 Titanium Yearbook
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Allied Titanium makes no warrantees as to the accuracy of the information in this Technical Section of the website. Any use of the information here is done with the full understanding that Allied Titanium, Inc. or its representatives provide no engineering
services. Users of any information or specifications from the Allied Titanium, Inc. website should be advised to consult with an engineer
to ensure the accuracy and suitability for any application.